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ViewSonic PJD5123 SVGA DLP Projector 120Hz/3D Ready, 2700 Lumens, 3000:1 DCR
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Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Complete Home Theater Setup

My Complete Home Theater Setup

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Tube. Duration : 1.33 Mins.

My Complete Home Theater Setup

Setup has a marantz sr7002 receiver, this receiver is super musical. It has a warm but sweet sound. The speakers are one of jamo's finest e855, my subwoofer ...

My Complete Home Theater Setup

My Complete Home Theater Setup

My Complete Home Theater Setup

My Complete Home Theater Setup

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Home Theater Setup (Surround Sound Speaker Setup)

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I will make the assumption that you have a surround sound or home theater receiver and start from there. There are 3 main home theater speaker setups which you will see termed 5.1, 6.1, and 7.1 channel surround. You will also see mentioned the terms Dolby Digital, DTS, and Dolby Pro Logic. Let's dispense with the latter first: if your receiver is only Pro Logic (only older receivers at this point) you do not need to worry about 6.1 or 7.1 surround. There are some other formats such as Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Pro-logic IIx, Dolby TrueHD, DTS neo:6.1, DTS-ES, True-Surround XT, and undoubtedly more.

The two factors to consider are:

1. how many channels does your system permit, and

2. Do you want to buy that many speakers?

All the receivers that support more than 5.1 channels will also work fine with a 5.1 channel setup. Obviously, 7.1 will provide better surround sound than 5.1, but at the expense of two extra speakers. If you have a limited budget you will have to decide whether to buy 5.1 higher quality speakers, or go for cheaper speakers to allow for 7.1 channels. By the way, the .1 channel is the home theater sub-woofer. The sub-woofer is, in my opinion, really needed for home theater. A system will work without it, but I don't recommend going without for home theater. The center channel is also very important for home theater, serving to anchor the sound to the video screen. If you go to our site by the link at the bottom of this article you can see images for the descriptions following. These are the recommended placements according to Dolby Labs.

5.1 surround system:

A). Center speaker centered on video source

B). Sub-woofer(s) in arc with the main L & R speakers between speakers and video source

C). L & R front on a 22-30 degree angle from the sitting, on an equidistant arc connecting the center channel and subs

D). L & R surround equidistant and on a 90-110 degree angle from the sitting position

6.1 surround system:

A). Center speaker centered on video source

B). Sub-woofer(s) in arc with the main L & R speakers between speakers and video source

C). L & R front on a 22-30 degree angle from the sitting, on an equidistant arc connecting the center channel and subs

D). L & R surround equidistant and on a 90-110 degree angle from the sitting position

E). Rear center 180 degrees (directly behind) the sitting position

7.1 surround system:

A). Center speaker centered on video source

B). Sub-woofer(s) in arc with the main L & R speakers between speakers and video source

C). L & R front on a 22-30 degree angle from the sitting, on an equidistant arc connecting the center channel and subs

D). L & R surround equidistant and on a 90-110 degree angle from the sitting position

E). L & R rear equidistant and on a 135-150 degree angle from the listening position.

Sub-woofer Setup

Your sub-woofer may have a switch for Dolby Digital / Pro Logic. If you have a Dolby Digital capable receiver set it to that even if you are using Pro Logic. The same goes if you have multiple inputs on your sub. If your input is labeled LFE it is the equivalent of a Dolby Digital input. You want to use the input to the RCA style plug (or plugs) if you are using the sub-woofer in a surround system.

If you have speaker level binding post inputs, these are almost always for using the sub-woofer in a non surround sound speaker setup. Preset the sub-woofer level control to about halfway before running the white noise test tone to calibrate your receiver speaker levels. You absolutely must run the test and balance your speaker levels to have the surround system perform properly.

Don't worry about the crossover frequency control on the sub for Dolby Digital or better systems. For Pro Logic set it to the point where bass in your main speakers drops off, which will require looking at the documentation for your speakers.

If you are not using your sub in a surround system, you may, with advantage, use the speaker level inputs on the back of your sub. The advantage to this is if you have small speakers. The receiver left and right channels are connected directly to the sub-woofer, and the left and right speakers connect to the speaker out connectors on the sub-woofer. What this does is allow the sub to produce the low bass that the main speakers can not, which of course the other types of connections would do also. The advantage here is the fact that with the sub-woofer connected this way, it filters the bass out of the signal, so your main speakers never try to produce the bass that they can't handle. This results in clearer, cleaner sound and more volume capability from your main speakers.

Sub-woofer placement is generally as below for other speakers. It is true that bass is omnidirectional and so you should be able to place a sub-woofer anywhere, but as usual this depends on your situation. I play music loud, and can detect where the sub-woofer is located by the feel of the vibrations. I find it very distracting to have the bass seem to come from the front of the room, but the vibrations of the bass coming from another direction. I therefore always prefer a sub-woofer to the front of the room.

How to get the most out of your speakers (How to improve your sound quality for no extra money )

The first consideration with a new speaker system is placement, and the second is wiring, both of which deserve consideration. We will cover wiring first with some generalities that apply to all kinds of speakers. The placement part will cover in home speakers only.

Wiring your speakers

First and foremost, wire selection can be very important. If your speakers are to be installed in-wall, you will need speaker cable rated cl3 or equivalent. If outdoor speakers, you should try to use what is termed direct burial cable or equivalent. Next, if you care about the sound quality at all, 22 gauge cable is not recommended. It can be used for very short runs, and is smaller for hiding, but due to resistance you will sacrifice some sound quality. I would recommend 16 gauge wire for most runs, unless you really want to get the best out of your speakers, in which case use 12 gauge or larger. For a long run I would recommend larger than 16 gauge. (We have a cable article and distance chart on our site at the link at the bottom.) I personally use a good audio quality 12 gauge cable myself, but you will pay more for cable this large. The advantages are better dynamics, and the amplifier can control your speakers better due to low resistance wire. As always, let the price point of your speakers determine the cable. Don't put expensive cables on cheap speakers, and vice versa. BTW, don't try to use romex (house wiring) instead of decent quality audio cable. Really, just say no. For so many reasons.

One common question is if fancy cable makes any difference. I must state here that many persons consider the very subject to be so much snake-oil. I personally believe that I can hear some differences, depending on the quality of the associated system. In other words, any hearable differences in cable will be more noticeable in a system with more resolution. Also consider that many listeners not selling cable claim to hear a difference. Consider any double blind tests carefully. I usually can pick holes in the logic behind most of these tests, and point out factors not considered. One perfect example was an amplifier test (by a major audio magazine) that level matched the amps, did a double blind test, and asserted the amps sounded identical, so they recommended that everyone buy the cheaper amp.

Here's the rub: Under their exact conditions, which are not normal listening conditions, the amps sounded the same. Consider this unmentioned idea: The cheaper amp had less power output than the other, and under normal listening conditions, say with loud rock music, and inefficient or difficult to drive speakers would have pooped out before reaching satisfying listening levels, not to mention clipping and distorting from over-driving the amp. One problem with the double blind tests is, in order to be accurate, they have to control every factor in the universe that could affect the results, even unknown factors. The other is, in order to compare everything on an even playing field, they purposely diminish or nullify the differences, then triumphantly proclaim they are all the same. The perfect example from above is level matching at a volume level that does not stress the more easily stressed amp.

Polarity or Phasing of your speakers is very important. This means finding the wire with a stripe or writing on one side, and connecting that wire to either the + (red) or -(black) on the amplifier and the speaker. It does not matter whether the stripe on the wire connects to plus or minus, as long as it is the same at both ends, and on all speakers. I always connect the plus to the stripe, just to be consistent. If you get this wrong you will lose almost all your bass response, and voices will float around instead of being centered when they should be.

Home Speaker Placement

Ideal placement for best sound is going to vary with the type of speakers you have, but we can supply some good generalities. Obviously, for a surround system, you have some built in limitations. The center channel needs to go above or below center of your television, (or perhaps centered behind a projection screen) and the left and right front need to go to the left and right front. So on for the rest of the speakers. It should be added at this point that for surround sound placement the ideal is all 3 front speakers an equal distance from the listener. This actually places the front speakers on an arc. It is generally good to put rear surrounds a little higher than ear level so that all listeners get a better chance to hear all the speakers. Leaving aside the obvious details of surround sound, here is how to improve the sound of your system for free.

First, don't put anything in front of your speakers, and if they are placed in a cabinet make sure that the front of the speaker is even with the front of the cabinet. Also, keep in mind that some speakers such as the rear ported variety perform very poorly in cabinets. Make sure speaker ports, which may be in the front, rear, side or elsewhere, are not blocked. This goes for sub-woofers also. Stability is also important, your speakers need to remain stable at high volume levels. If they move with loud drum beats, your system will be robbed of punch and impact. If you use speaker stands make sure they are stable enough for the size of speakers you have. One quick tip is to use some blu-tack or mortite putty between the speaker and stand to improve the coupling and add stability. Spikes on the bottoms of the stands work well for carpeted rooms.

Next, check out the sound of your speakers. Many speakers sound better when aimed directly at the listener, and located at ear height. This is not always the case, however. If the treble or voices sound a little too sharp, then perhaps the speakers will sound better aimed straight out instead of at the listener. Listen to the bass. Is it boomy, or lacking? If your speakers sound a little boomy, like they are in a barrel, bass response can probably be improved by moving your speakers farther from a wall or corner. If your speakers are too light in bass, they may sound better closer to a wall. Remember not to block any bass ports. If the speaker is rear ported it needs a little space out from the wall and clearance on the sides of the speaker to perform properly. One little tweak you might try: some speakers sound better with the speaker grills off. Try removing them and see if they sound better. In many cases there will be no noticeable difference, but it costs nothing to try.

Other issues: If your speakers are correctly phased as described above but voices are not sharply locked in location you may have your speakers too far apart. This generally applies to stereo, not surround sound. If not used on a surround system, the sub-woofer crossover point should be adjusted to coincide with the drop off in bass from your main speakers. You may find this listed in your documentation, usually on the order of the -3db point. If after all this your speakers don't seem to perform like they should, you should consider whether the amplifier attached to them is up to the task of driving them. There are more issues here than power, especially impedance. An amplifier that has high wattage may drive 8 ohm speakers well, and do very poorly on 4 ohm speakers if the amplifier is not designed for "high current" or rated into 4 ohm speakers. In addition, many amplifier (or receiver, home theater amplifier, etc) manufacturers use various methods to exaggerate the wattage ratings on their amplifiers. The true rating to look for is called the RMS rating, and should be rated into a specific impedance (4 ohm, 8 ohm) etc and at a specific distortion rating.

Home Theater Setup (Surround Sound Speaker Setup)

Home Theater

Home Theater

Home Theater Setup (Surround Sound Speaker Setup)

Home Theater Setup (Surround Sound Speaker Setup)
Home Theater Setup (Surround Sound Speaker Setup)

Home Theater

Setup has a marantz sr7002 receiver, this receiver is super musical. It has a warm but sweet sound. The speakers are one of jamo's finest e855, my subwoofer ...


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Easy Home Theater Audio Sound Fixes, Daily Tech Tips 9

Easy Home Theater Audio Sound Fixes, Daily Tech Tips 9

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download

Video Clips. Duration : 4.32 Mins.

Easy Home Theater Audio Sound Fixes, Daily Tech Tips 9

How to Test Speakers With a Meter - Common Easy Home Theater Audio Surround Sound Speaker Fixes Daily Tech Tips 9 Sub For more Tech Tip of The Day! Have an A...

Easy Home Theater Audio Sound Fixes, Daily Tech Tips 9

Easy Home Theater Audio Sound Fixes, Daily Tech Tips 9

Easy Home Theater Audio Sound Fixes, Daily Tech Tips 9

Easy Home Theater Audio Sound Fixes, Daily Tech Tips 9

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Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

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You've all heard it, that dreaded 60Hz hum through the speakers of a home theater or house audio system. Hopefully you heard it at a friend's house and not your own. It can drive you completely nuts. You may have even tried, unsuccessfully, to fix the little noise problem. That can make you even more crazy. What causes that horrendous noise through your speakers?

More often than not humming through your speakers is caused by a grounding problem. There are three main ground problems that cause problems in an audio / video system. These are ground loops, improper grounding and lack of a ground altogether. The other possible culprits that can cause noise are bad cables, a faulty piece of equipment or electrical noise from a lighting dimmer or electric motor. There are steps you can take to troubleshoot the noise and eliminate it from you theater.

The first step is find out where it is coming from. Disconnect your source and display equipment from your receiver or surround sound processor. If the noise stops, connect them back to the receiver or processor on at a time until the noise returns. When the hum comes back, you found where the noise is entering your system. Note that if you are connecting remote equipment, such as running the signal from your theater room DVD player to the TV in the bedroom, your chances to pick up noise increase dramatically. With such long runs, noise can be induced into the long cable runs from adjacent electrical wiring. It is also easy to create a ground loop, because the equipment is plugged into two different, widely separated outlets, on different electrical circuits.

If the noise is caused by a cable box, the noise is likely caused by the cable TV ground. To test this theory, disconnect the incoming cable TV feed to the rear of the cable box or TV while they are still connected to the rest of the system. If the noise is eliminated by disconnecting the TV cable, the problem is the cable TV ground. You can electrically decouple the cable TV feed from your system with a ground breaking transformer. These are available from many sources. Be advised that many newer, digital cable TV systems require any device in the signal chain to pass a full 1,000 Mhz. Some of the older ground break transformers will not do this. Be sure to check the specifications of whatever device you are purchasing to verify it will pass the digital cable TV signal.

If the noise is from your projector, TV, or monitor, it is most likely caused because the video display device is plugged into a different outlet than the other a/v equipment. It could be on a different circuit as well. These circuits may have two different ground potentials. That is, the resistance to ground is different on each circuit. A difference in resistance to ground from one ground point to another can cause the dreaded ground loop. If you get a ground loop, current flows between the two components. If the current flows through the components internal audio signal ground, you will get a hum.

You can use an isolation transformer, similar to the type used for cable TV ground problems, to eliminate the electrical connection from one component to the other. These transformers are inserted in line with the audio signal connection between the two components. If there is no audio connection between the components, the problem may be current flowing through the video portion. In this case, a video isolation transformer should be used to eliminate the ground loop.

Sometimes power conditioners will stop noise problems by placing equipment on different, electrically isolated outlets. This is done using isolation transformers. Sometimes this is ineffective however, due to the differences in internal construction of different power conditioning equipment. Some safety regulations, such as UL 1950, specify that an isolation transformer is only allowed to isolate the hot and neutral wires; the grounding wire must be passed straight through. If this is the case, the ground loop problem may still exist because many communication circuits are connected to the grounding conductor and not the neutral. In this case, the isolation transformer, or any power conditioner or UPS with an isolation transformer will have absolutely no affect on the grounding problem.

The noise may be generated externally, from a dimmer or refrigerator compressor for example, and coming in through the main power input on the audio video equipment. In this case, a high quality power conditioner may be effective in reducing or eliminating the noise problem. You may also find that one of the signal interconnecting cables in your system is faulty. This can also cause noise problems. Check for this by swapping the cables with one that you know to be good.

You can solve most noise problems in your home theater or multi room audio/video system by taking the systematic, step-by-step approach. Work your way up the signal chain, eliminating each piece of equipment as you go. If you have nothing connected to your speakers except the speaker wiring, and they still hum, the problem is noise induced into the speaker wiring from adjacent power cables. Other than that case, most problems are caused by ground problems, which you can find, and solve, if you take it one step at a time.

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Home Theater

Home Theater

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers
Eliminating that Terrible Hum From Your Home Theater Speakers

Home Theater

How to Test Speakers With a Meter - Common Easy Home Theater Audio Surround Sound Speaker Fixes Daily Tech Tips 9 Sub For more Tech Tip of The Day! Have an A...


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Best Deals Samsung HT-E3500 Home Theater System - 5.1 Channel, Price 2013

Best Deals Samsung HT-E3500 Home Theater System - 5.1 Channel, Price 2013

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Video Clips. Duration : 0.70 Mins.

Best Deals Samsung HT-E3500 Home Theater System - 5.1 Channel, Price 2013

Price Drop Fast 2013 Check Here

Best Deals Samsung HT-E3500 Home Theater System - 5.1 Channel, Price 2013

Best Deals Samsung HT-E3500 Home Theater System - 5.1 Channel, Price 2013

Best Deals Samsung HT-E3500 Home Theater System - 5.1 Channel, Price 2013

Best Deals Samsung HT-E3500 Home Theater System - 5.1 Channel, Price 2013

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Home Theater Cables - How to Best Hide Speaker Cables

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For most people with a home theater system installed in their house, the cables are one of the biggest logistical challenges. The cords and cables for all the various components inevitably become a tangled, jumbled mess, making it nearly impossible to change the configuration of your system or any of the components. Most families don't put in the time to organize and hide their cables to improve the aesthetics and safety of the home theater room. With just a few simple changes, your home theater cabling mess can be easily cleaned up and put under control.

All of the components in the home theater system have a power cord that must find its way to a wall socket, surge protector or power strip. To keep the power cords neat and tidy, use a label machine to identify the cord before you plug your home theater components in. This will help when you need to know which plug to pull to move your speaker system or to replace your DVD player.

To clean up the knots and clutter caused by the constant wrapping and unwrapping of cables around each other, start by unplugging everything, including the cables that connect each component to the others, and separate them out. Figure out exactly where you want each component to go, and then set them up again and neatly run the cables without twisting them around each other. You may need to write down reminders for where everything goes if you are not accustomed to setting up the theater. Use twist ties or zip ties to the cables every foot or so when there is more than one cable running in the same direction to keep them from becoming tangled and out of control. This same organization can be applied to the power cords that lead to the same power outlet.

If your home theater is set-up such that some of the cabling must come out from behind an entertainment cabinet or floor speakers, it is recommended that some sort of cable hide be used to ensure that these cables do not become snagged by people walking by or grabbed by small children or pets. To keep power cords out of view and safe from tampering, use a cable hide designed to run along the wall and keep your cables protected and covered. These cable hides can be great for anywhere that your cables hang out in the open. If you are building your home theater from scratch, you can ask the installer to build the cabling into the wall or molding of the room in much the same fashion. You will not have to worry about tripping hazards or about your new puppy chewing through your power cables if the cords are neatly hidden and out of the way.

Your home theater speakers provide another potential problem, since you might want speakers around the room with speaker cables becoming a huge problem. To keep this problem down, the best option, though complicated, is to run the wiring for the speakers through the walls. This prevents them from dangling or getting in the way, and if you have the necessary tools and skills, you can run your speakers just about anywhere in the room.

Cleaning up home theater cabling does not have to be a chore. With some simple changes and proper storage, you can have a clean looking, safe home theater room for your family.

~ Ben Anton, 2007

Home Theater Cables - How to Best Hide Speaker Cables

Home Theater

Home Theater

Home Theater Cables - How to Best Hide Speaker Cables

Home Theater Cables - How to Best Hide Speaker Cables
Home Theater Cables - How to Best Hide Speaker Cables

Home Theater

Price Drop Fast 2013 Check Here


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Theater Altenburg-Gera bis 2016 finanziert

Theater Altenburg-Gera bis 2016 finanziert

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Tube. Duration : 3.63 Mins.

Theater Altenburg-Gera bis 2016 finanziert

Altenburg, 10.12.12: Thüringens einziges Fünf-Sparten-Theater ist bis 2016 finanziell gesichert. So steht es in der Finanzierungsvereinbarung die Kultusminis...

Theater Altenburg-Gera bis 2016 finanziert

Theater Altenburg-Gera bis 2016 finanziert

Theater Altenburg-Gera bis 2016 finanziert

Theater Altenburg-Gera bis 2016 finanziert

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Home Theater Seating With Power Recliners

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Would you like to be able to recline in your favorite home theater recliners at a touch of a button? Would you like to have the ability to literally recline in infinite positions? Home theater seating with optional power recliners can accomplish this.

Recliners are one of the most comfortable and relaxing chairs. They are a great way to unwind after a long day. The optional power in your theater recliners can complete the cinematic feeling right in your own home providing the ultimate in home theater experience.

Most manual recliners in sectionals, sofas, or home theater seating have only two positions. When the recliner handle is pulled, the first reclined position is a 45 degree position. If you push the seat back with your body, it will go to an almost horizontal sleeping position (second position). Manually operated recliners such as this can not stop anywhere between those 2 positions.

Optional power recliners, on the other hand, have an ability to recline at infinite positions. You simply activate the recline switch and stop at any reclined position that you prefer. Unlike manual recliners, the powered ones offer a smoother and more versatile reclining motion because they use electric motors. They fully recline in seconds and close effortlessly. The motorized control basically allows you to reline to your very own favorite position. The powered recliners are also ideal for those who have mobility challenges. Now imagine adding this power option to your theater recliners. It will make your movie viewing experience even more convenient and comfortable.

Home Theater Seating With Power Recliners

Home Theater

Home Theater

Home Theater Seating With Power Recliners

Home Theater Seating With Power Recliners
Home Theater Seating With Power Recliners

Home Theater

Altenburg, 10.12.12: Thüringens einziges Fünf-Sparten-Theater ist bis 2016 finanziell gesichert. So steht es in der Finanzierungsvereinbarung die Kultusminis...


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Exam -- Film Review

Exam -- Film Review

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 3.40 Mins.

Exam -- Film Review

Exam (2009) "Thrilling mind-bender that excites", 8/10. Full episodes of Movie Night, every Friday night at: ~~ Movie Night ~~ This "Quick Review" is an excerpt from a full episode. Incorporating viewer comments and tweets, your host and film critic Jonathan Paula reviews everything from opening day releases, recent DVDs, and classics from years past. Along with your votes, these films are scored on the "Rate-O-Matic" for a 1-10 ranking. A "Five Word Summary" quickly encapsulates each review while "Factor Facts" highlight the the best and worst features of a movie in each of ten key categories. New episodes every Friday (November through May) on the JPizzle1122 channel. Born in February 1986, Jonathan Paula is a professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?". In April 2006 he founded Jogwheel Productions, a new media production company that specializes in web video. He has been reviewing films since 2003, and professionally since 2009. Jon graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production / Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, NH with his wife Rebecca. ~~ Links ~~ Facebook ---------------- Twitter --------------------- Main Channel ----------- 2nd Channel ------------ Movie Night Show ----- FAQ Video --------------- T-Shirts ------------------- ~~ Technical ~~ Created by ------ Jonathan Paula Camera ---------- Panasonic DVX ...

Exam -- Film Review

Exam -- Film Review

Exam -- Film Review

Exam -- Film Review

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Home Theater For Your Home

Samsung Galaxy

If you have been looking for a great way to spend some family time together but not sure how, you may want to consider turning your den into a home theater room with all the added features of a movie theater and a place to hang out. If you didn't have much to talk about before you will now.

To get the best sound from a home theater depends on the quality of the equipment and the size of the room. You may have to do some measuring to decide what home theater system will be right for your home. You don't need to use your home theater all the time but it is great to have when you are watching a movie or your favorite television show. It allows you to hear every detailed noise in that movie and enhances the sound quality to the way that the producers wanted the viewers to hear it. The sound is crystal clear and your family will spend more time together enjoying the home theater sound.

As your family grows, they become less talkative and try to be on their own instead of with a family. The one thing that families have in common is their love for movies. They may have a variety of likes and dislikes but in the end a movie is a movie as long as you can watch it with those you love. In order to do that you will need to set the atmosphere and then be prepared for the instant family bonding that may occur. You may even end up with some extra guests at your home during family movie night.

The first thing to consider when building a home theater is the television. You may have a big screen television or a thirteen inch screen, but either way you can make this work for your home theater. What makes a theater is the theater sound anyway. You will need to invest in a home theater surround sound system that will improve the sound of the movie. Generally these sound systems range in price of .00 to 0.00 so it just depends on your budget. Let's say you put in the .00 one. If you have never had a home theater surround sound in your home before your family is going to think you have paid a lot of money for that system. It will give you the sound that you are wanting. Usually home theater surround systems come with about six different size speakers. You can place these speakers at every chair or on the table between two chairs. You will have the surround sound all over the room. Next is the lighting. You can add the touch lights on the floor in the design of a path that will lead your family members into their seats. The main light will be off when the movie starts but the touch lights will help them find their way in and out of the room. You will need to find a great movie that will combine everyone's interest in one. This may take a little time but you can find a movie that everyone can agree on.

Last but not least you will need movie time snacks and drinks. You can make them yourself or buy them. What ever you choose your family will love the idea of a movie night on the new home theater. You can personalize movie night anyway you want to and the great thing about this night is that everyone is spending time together.

Home Theater For Your Home

Home Theater

euronews account - Farhadi - self-censorship 'real danger' for Iranian filmmakers

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 7.88 Mins.

euronews account - Farhadi - self-censorship 'real danger' for Iranian filmmakers At the 65th Cannes Festival, Iranian film director Asghar Farhadi was, once again, the centre of attention, this time for his next film project. The European Commission has selected Farhadi's next movie for its 60000 euro 'Prix MEDIA' award. The film is due to be set in Paris with European casting. Earlier this year, Farhadi's 'Separation' won two Oscar nominations and took the award for Best Foreign Language film, the first Iranian movie to win the honour. In an interview with euronews in Cannes, Asghar Farhadi talks about his next project, the reaction in Iran, his cinematic style and the current restraints on Iranian film-makers. *euronews:* "You've just won the "Prix MEDIA" a European award which recognises cultural diversity, what does this award mean for you as an Iranian Film maker?" *Asghar Farhadi:* "The meaning it has for me is the same as all the encouragement I have received through these years. The other meaning is that I'm a writer who has always composed in the Persian language and whose dialogues have always been in the Persian language. Now some of the cast will be speaking another language. Finally, it means that those who have read the script for my next film have been able to connect with it and did not find it an unfamiliar story despite not knowing Persian, and that means a lot to me." *euronews:* "You won many international awards for your last movie 'A Separation' amongst them an Oscar for best foreign language movie - but ...

euronews account - Farhadi - self-censorship 'real danger' for Iranian filmmakers

euronews account - Farhadi - self-censorship 'real danger' for Iranian filmmakers

euronews account - Farhadi - self-censorship 'real danger' for Iranian filmmakers

euronews account - Farhadi - self-censorship 'real danger' for Iranian filmmakers

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Home Theater - Experience Cinema in Your Own Living Room

Samsung Galaxy

Many people find watching movies in cinemas entertaining. This is because they got to enjoy their favorite blockbuster in a very wide screen with a sound that could make them them feel like they are part of the movie scene. However, more and more people are bringing movies into their living homes lately. This is made possible through the evolution of home theater systems. Home theaters allow people to enjoy good movies without the hassle of crowds and expensive popcorns.

A home theater system is relatively easy to set up. It doesn't have to be expensive for anybody to really enjoy a good one. This article talks about setting up a simple, basic home theater system that won't cost an arm and a leg. If you're interested in having your own home theater on a tight budget, this is a very good read.

You need a good size of television set - 27 inches wide or more, a DVD player, and a set of speakers. Your television screen doesn't have to be the biggest. It depends on the size of the room where you plan to set up your home theater. You can still get a good viewing experience from a 27-inch TV screen especially if your viewing position is not more than 8 feet away. However, it is recommended that it should not be less than 27 inches because the reception may be too inferior on a smaller screen.

It is also recommended you get a set of speakers with a good surround sound quality. Speakers provide much better audio quality than the TV's built-in speakers, especially if the room is quite big. When shopping for loudspeakers, it is always wise to try and listen before you buy. You may also want to check if the store allows returns. There are speakers that sound good inside the limited space of a store but not well enough when put inside a much bigger space like your living room.

To complete your home theater, you need to have a DVD player. DVD players deliver clear, crisp images and flicker-free pictures of your favorite actors on screen. Most DVDs present videos in two ways - wide screen format to match the way the movie looked in theaters and full-screen presentation for TV shows that aired that way.

A home theater system is a more economical way of enjoying recent movie blockbusters in the long run. With a home theater, you won't have to pay for the tickets and the popcorn every time your family wants to see a movie. The attraction of going to a movie theater to watch your favorite movie will always be there, but advances in technology for home theater systems sure make staying home something you will enjoy.

Home Theater - Experience Cinema in Your Own Living Room

Home Theater

Dead Baseball Players!

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 8.32 Mins.

Dead Baseball Players!

Rate Next Week's Films: • Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star -- • The Girl Next Door -- NEW FEATURE -- FACTOR FACTS: Breaking down the individual components that make up *my* score on the rate-o-matic, these 10 criteria will highlight what I thought about a film in certain areas. A movie like "2001" is high on technical, but low on pacing, whereas a movie like "Avatar" has great visuals, but an average story. Enjoyment -- How enjoyable is the film? Story -- Is it interesting, well-written? Technical -- The editing, directing, and sound. Acting -- Convincing, or just a script-reader? Visuals -- Cinematography and special effects. Impact -- Does it make you laugh/cry/feel? Pacing -- Not too fast, not too slow... Validity -- Given the environment, is it believable? Mood -- Music, costumes, art-design. Re-Watch -- Good enough to watch twice? This feature is a work in progress, so expect to see a name-change, or shifting criteria brackets going forward... but if you have input, please share! * Tweet a review with the #JPMN hashtag, and have it featured on the show! * Tonight's Films: • Moneyball -- Remarkable story, confident and engrossing, 7/10. • Field Of Dreams -- "Inspirational story of second chances, 8/10. ~~ Movie Night ~~ Incorporating viewer comments and tweets, your host and film critic Jonathan Paula reviews everything from opening day releases, recent DVDs, and classics from years past. Along with your votes, these films are scored on the ...

Dead Baseball Players!

Dead Baseball Players!

Dead Baseball Players!

Dead Baseball Players!

No URL Dead Baseball Players!

Rate Next Week's Films: • Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star -- • The Girl Next Door -- NEW FEATURE -- FACTOR FACTS: Breaking down the individual components that make up *my* score on the rate-o-matic, these 10 criteria will highlight what I thought about a film in certain areas. A movie like "2001" is high on technical, but low on pacing, whereas a movie like "Avatar" has great visuals, but an average story. Enjoyment -- How enjoyable is the film? Story -- Is it interesting, well-written? Technical -- The editing, directing, and sound. Acting -- Convincing, or just a script-reader? Visuals -- Cinematography and special effects. Impact -- Does it make you laugh/cry/feel? Pacing -- Not too fast, not too slow... Validity -- Given the environment, is it believable? Mood -- Music, costumes, art-design. Re-Watch -- Good enough to watch twice? This feature is a work in progress, so expect to see a name-change, or shifting criteria brackets going forward... but if you have input, please share! * Tweet a review with the #JPMN hashtag, and have it featured on the show! * Tonight's Films: • Moneyball -- Remarkable story, confident and engrossing, 7/10. • Field Of Dreams -- "Inspirational story of second chances, 8/10. ~~ Movie Night ~~ Incorporating viewer comments and tweets, your host and film critic Jonathan Paula reviews everything from opening day releases, recent DVDs, and classics from years past. Along with your votes, these films are scored on the ...


Home Theater

Home Theater - Experience Cinema in Your Own Living Room

Home Theater - Experience Cinema in Your Own Living Room
Home Theater - Experience Cinema in Your Own Living Room

Home Theater At the 65th Cannes Festival, Iranian film director Asghar Farhadi was, once again, the centre of attention, this time for his next film project. The European Commission has selected Farhadi's next movie for its 60000 euro 'Prix MEDIA' award. The film is due to be set in Paris with European casting. Earlier this year, Farhadi's 'Separation' won two Oscar nominations and took the award for Best Foreign Language film, the first Iranian movie to win the honour. In an interview with euronews in Cannes, Asghar Farhadi talks about his next project, the reaction in Iran, his cinematic style and the current restraints on Iranian film-makers. *euronews:* "You've just won the "Prix MEDIA" a European award which recognises cultural diversity, what does this award mean for you as an Iranian Film maker?" *Asghar Farhadi:* "The meaning it has for me is the same as all the encouragement I have received through these years. The other meaning is that I'm a writer who has always composed in the Persian language and whose dialogues have always been in the Persian language. Now some of the cast will be speaking another language. Finally, it means that those who have read the script for my next film have been able to connect with it and did not find it an unfamiliar story despite not knowing Persian, and that means a lot to me." *euronews:* "You won many international awards for your last movie 'A Separation' amongst them an Oscar for best foreign language movie - but ...


Home Theater

Home Theater For Your Home

Home Theater For Your Home
Home Theater For Your Home

Home Theater

Exam (2009) "Thrilling mind-bender that excites", 8/10. Full episodes of Movie Night, every Friday night at: ~~ Movie Night ~~ This "Quick Review" is an excerpt from a full episode. Incorporating viewer comments and tweets, your host and film critic Jonathan Paula reviews everything from opening day releases, recent DVDs, and classics from years past. Along with your votes, these films are scored on the "Rate-O-Matic" for a 1-10 ranking. A "Five Word Summary" quickly encapsulates each review while "Factor Facts" highlight the the best and worst features of a movie in each of ten key categories. New episodes every Friday (November through May) on the JPizzle1122 channel. Born in February 1986, Jonathan Paula is a professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?". In April 2006 he founded Jogwheel Productions, a new media production company that specializes in web video. He has been reviewing films since 2003, and professionally since 2009. Jon graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production / Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, NH with his wife Rebecca. ~~ Links ~~ Facebook ---------------- Twitter --------------------- Main Channel ----------- 2nd Channel ------------ Movie Night Show ----- FAQ Video --------------- T-Shirts ------------------- ~~ Technical ~~ Created by ------ Jonathan Paula Camera ---------- Panasonic DVX ...
